When selecting or creating a scene for image capture, there are 2 main elements. First is lighting. Next is composition.
Photos exposed in directional light (sunrise/sunset) or flat light (overcast, foggy or with precipitation) can be dramatic. These images often require digital enhancement to evoke a primordial emotion from the viewer.
The problem with Sunrises and more often Sunsets, are they are ubiquitous. If an artist is going to share these images, the intent must move the viewer to respond sub consciously from within. The intent should be a spiritual awakening or connection.
The 1st image - Stuart's Fruit Farm - exhibited several lens flares* shooting directly into the sun Several hours post processing was necessary to create the final image.
* Lens Flares are artifacts of the main light source due to internal reflection within a lens.
Other Examples of Light Painting

Figure 1
Once lighting has caught one's eye, organizing forms within the scene is key. Ordinary photographers, anyone today with a smartphone, usually focus on the main subject disregarding often distracting elements. Skilled photographers, like the members of PNW, through years of experience know to move themselves or the camera in order for the main subject to stand out. I use an Olympus 4/3 camera with an auxiliary 3" viewing screen. (See figure 1) This tilts 80° upwards and 50° downwards. Great for shooting over crowds or at shoe top level without going prone.
Landscape photos at sunrise or sunset are most dramatic:

Figure 2
Sunrise over Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak - Colorado Springs, 2018. (See figure 2)

Figure 3
Colorado River at Sunrise - Grand Canyon 2001. (See figure 3)
Overcast light is even and easy to control:

Figure 4
Our Father - After the fire 1982 - St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Buchanan. (See figure 4)

Figure 5
Melancholy Honeymoon - Prince Edward Island 1978. (See figure 5)

Figure 6
Ringling Museum in Fog - Sarasota, FL 2016. (See figure 6)

Figure 7
Spitting them Out - Croton Dam, 1979. (See figure 7)
Artificial Lighting is a Learned Skill

Figure 8
The Enlightenment - Rockwood Hall (See figure 8) - Thanks to Elijah Goodwin and his Light Painting Workshop.